Using the advanced GAN model

In the runPix2PixBlurryModel method, we use the LoadMemoryMappedModel method to load the pix2pix_transformed_memmapped.pb model file, and load the test image and set the input tensor in a similar way to what we did in Chapter 4, Transforming Pictures with Amazing Art Styles:

- (NSArray*) runPix2PixBlurryModel {    tensorflow::Status load_status;        load_status = LoadMemoryMappedModel(@"pix2pix_transformed_memmapped", @"pb", &tf_session, &tf_memmapped_env);    if (!load_status.ok()) return NULL;        std::string input_layer = "image_feed";    std::string output_layer = "generator_1/deprocess/truediv";    NSString* image_path = FilePathForResourceName(@"ww", @"png");    int image_width;    int image_height;    int image_channels; std::vector<tensorflow::uint8> ...

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