Using the GAN models in iOS

If you try to use the TensorFlow pod in your iOS app and load the gan_mnist.pb file, you'll get an error:

Could not create TensorFlow Graph: Invalid argument: No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'RandomStandardNormal' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU], Registered kernels: <no registered kernels>[[Node: z_1/RandomStandardNormal = RandomStandardNormal[T=DT_INT32, _output_shapes=[[50,100]], dtype=DT_FLOAT, seed=0, seed2=0](z_1/shape)]]

Make sure your tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt file has tensorflow/core/kernels/, which implements the RandomStandardNormal operation, and the libtensorflow-core.a is built with tensorflow/contrib/makefile/ after the line is added ...

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