Testing the model

To let version 4, for example, of the model play against version 1, first create a new directory path by running mkdir -p run_archive/connect4/run0001/models and copy the *.h5 files from run/models to the run0001/models directory. Then change your play.py in the DeepReinforcementLearning directory to be like this:

playMatchesBetweenVersions(env, 1, 1, 4, 10, lg.logger_tourney, 0)

The first value of the 1,1,4,10 parameters means the run version, so 1 means the models are in run0001/models of run_archive/connect4. The second and third values are the model versions of the two players, so 1 and 4 means version 1 of the model will play against version 4. 10 is the number of times, or episodes, to play.

After running the python ...

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