William J. Murphy is a professor of law at the Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire, where he also serves as chair of the commerce and technology graduate programs. He has extensive experience in the legal, business, and academic fields. Prior to his academic career he worked as an antitrust trial attorney for the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC and as a senior trial consultant to the FTC Regional Office in Boston, Massachusetts. Professor Murphy earned an MBA and a PhD at the Harvard Business School. His business ventures include serving as a contributing founder of two companies—one developing educational software and the other providing international chemical and pharmaceutical companies with clinical trials management and regulatory licensing services. Most recently he has served on the board of directors for an intellectual property management company. He has taught courses in both the business and legal fields at Harvard University, University of Massachusetts—Boston, and Dartmouth College. He was a founding partner in a Concord law firm specializing in technology-based business law and intellectual property, and is currently Of Counsel to Devine, Millimet, and Branch in Manchester, New Hampshire. Each summer, Professor Murphy heads the eLaw Summer Institute in Cork, Ireland, at University College Cork, where he was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar.

Debora Rose Stewart, CPA, is a managing director with Invotex Group's Intellectual ...

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