
task_list Class — List of task objects.


#include "tbb/task.h"

class task_list;


A task_list is a list of references to task objects. The purpose of task_list is to allow a task to create a list of child tasks and spawn them all at once via the method task:: spawn(task_list&). A task can belong to, at most, one task_list at a time, and can be on that task_list once at most. A task that has been spawned but has not started running must not belong to a task_list. A task_list cannot be copy-constructed or assigned.


	namespace tbb {
	   class task_list {
	        bool empty() const;
	        void push_back( task& task );
	        task& pop_front();
	        void clear();

Effects: constructs an empty list.


Effects: destroys the list. Does not destroy the task objects.

bool empty()const

Returns: true if the list is empty; false otherwise.

push_back(task& task)

Effects: inserts a reference to task at the back of the list.

task& task pop_front()

Effects: removes a task reference from the front of the list.

Returns: the reference that was removed.

void clear()

Effects: removes all task references from the list. Does not destroy the task objects.

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