
const_accessor — Provides read-only access to a pair in a concurrent_hash_map.


#include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"

template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare> class concurrent_hash_


A const_accessor permits read-only access to a key-value pair in a concurrent_hash_map.


	namespace tbb {
	    template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare>
	    class concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare>::const_accessor {
	        // types
	        typedef const std::pair<const Key,T> value_type;
	        // construction and destruction

	        // inspection
	        bool empty() const;
	        const value_type& operator*() const;
	        const value_type* operator->() const;

	        // early release
	        void release();
bool empty() const

Returns: true if the instance points to nothing; false if the instance points to a key-value pair.

void release()

Effects: if the instance contains a key-value pair, releases the implied lock on the pair and sets the instance to point to nothing. Otherwise, does nothing.

constvalue_type&operator*() const

Effects: raises an assertion failure if empty() is true and TBB_DO_ASSERT is defined as nonzero.

Returns: const reference to a key-value pair.

constvalue_type*operator->() const

Returns: &operator*()*


Effects: constructs a const_accessor that points to nothing.


Effects: if pointing to a key-value pair, releases the implied lock on the pair.

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