Assumptions This Book Makes

You do not need to have any experience with parallel programming or multi-core processors to use this book. Whether you have a great deal of experience with parallel programming, or none at all, this book will be useful. No prior understanding of threading is required.

Prior knowledge of C++ templates and template libraries such as the Standard Template Library (STL), or knowledge of generic programming, will allow some concepts in the book to come more easily. Learning this template library, even if it is your first template library, should be no more difficult a place to start than any other.

If you want to gain more background on the concepts of generic programming, or the standard template library for C++, there are many fine books to read. Doing so is not necessary before reading this book, but this book will make no attempt to cover those topics.

This book is intended to be approachable for a C programmer or a C++ programmer without experience with templates, but it will require some patience as occasional references to STL and templates will require some study. The examples throughout the book, and particularly those in Chapter 11, are clear enough to follow, even if you do not understand all the constructs perfectly.

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