Problems in Memory Allocation

When ordinary, nonthreaded allocators are used, memory allocation becomes a serious bottleneck in a multithreaded program because each thread competes for a global lock for each allocation and deallocation of memory from a single global heap. Programs that run this way are not scalable. In fact, because of this contention, programs that make intensive use of memory allocation may actually slow down as the number of processor cores increases! Programs utilizing the Standard Template Library (STL) may be more memory-intensive than is obvious because the memory allocation is hidden from view.

Another serious issue for concurrent programs is called false sharing. False sharing occurs when multiple threads use memory locations that are close together, even if they are not actually using the same memory locations. Because processor cores fetch and hold memory in chunks called cache lines, any memory accesses within the same cache line should be done only by the same thread. Otherwise, accesses to memory on the same cache line will cause unnecessary contention and swapping of cache lines back and forth, resulting in slowdowns which can easily be a hundred times worse for the affected memory accesses.

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