Serial versus parallel algorithms

One of the truths in programming is this: the best serial algorithm is seldom the best parallel algorithm, and the best parallel algorithm is seldom the best serial algorithm.

This means that trying to write a program that runs well on a system with one processor core, and also runs well on a system with a dual-core processor or quad-core processor, is harder than just writing a good serial program or a good parallel program.

Supercomputer programmers know from practice that the work required in concurrent tasks grows quickly as a function of the problem size. If the work grows faster than the sequential overhead (e.g., communication, synchronization), you can fix a program that scales poorly just by increasing the problem size. It’s not uncommon at all to take a program that won’t scale much beyond 100 processors and scale it nicely to 300 or more processors just by doubling the size of the problem.

To be ready for the future, write parallel programs and abandon the past. That’s the simplest and best advice to offer. Writing code with one foot in the world of efficient single-threaded performance and the other foot in the world of parallelism is the hardest job of all.

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