This book results from a significant collaborative effort involving many individuals and institutions during the course of the last five years. The comparison of this collaborative effort to a program is appropriate. It has defined objectives, many stakeholders, and a stream of benefits generated over time. This book is but one project producing benefits for the overall effort.

Like any program, multiple stakeholders operate in a number of different functions to produce the overall benefit. Each plays a unique role that collectively produces something that they individually could not produce. Some of the contributions are managerial, some are technical, and others are enabling. Upon reflection, over the course of the last 16 months during which this book has been in various stages of development, many have contributed. This is an attempt to acknowledge their efforts in what has become a fairly dynamic project. Some of those who started the project were unable to complete it or completed their parts early and went on to other things. Others joined partway through, or even close to the completion. Others have been part of the project from start to finish. They represent participation from a broad spectrum, and truly exemplify the spirit of this book: bringing together multiple perspectives to create something unique and noteworthy. It is not intentional that anyone who contributed to this effort would not be recognized, and all contributions and involvement have ...

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