
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refer to figures.


AC (alternating current) Kerr effect, 64–66, 71
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 114
Airy effect, 71, 185–186
All-optical integrated micrologic gate
fabrication, 166–167
introduction, 163–169
operating principle, 165–166
testing, 167–169
All-optical nanomodulator (wavelength converter, logic gate and flip flop)
fabrication, 142–143
introduction, 140–147
simulation results, 143–145
theory, 141
validations, 145–147
All-optical plasma dispersion modulation, 131–139
AND/NAND gates, 89, 144, 168–169
Anisotropic etching, 126–128, 128f
Anisotropic medium and radiation, 2–8
Anisotropic nanoparticles, 197–200
Antiferroelectric (AFLC) phases ...

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