About the Author

Internationally acclaimed lifestyle and wealth strategist, Christopher Howard is a best-selling author, a prominent speaker, and the owner of Christopher Howard Training. For almost two decades, Chris has researched the success strategies of the world's greatest business, philanthropic, and spiritual minds. His extensive knowledge is shared through his books, home study courses, and public seminars worldwide. As a result, Chris Howard has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals create the wealth and engineer the lifestyle they truly desire. With operations in the United States, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and China, and further expansion scheduled for Europe, Canada, and Southeast Asia, Christopher Howard Training has become one of the fastest-growing personal development training companies in the world.

As a social entrepreneur, Chris Howard has made a philanthropic impact in developing nations worldwide. His endeavors include building a high school in the Huilloq Community in Peru, where previously education stopped after the primary school level. He brought a group of 30 coaches and mentors to work with hundreds of students at CIDA, the first free university in South Africa, supported by the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, and Richard Branson. In Cambodia, Chris helps raise awareness for the campaigns of social enterprise Friends International by sharing its messages throughout his global network. In addition to his own contributions ...

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