Foreword . . . and Forward March!

Before we get down to business, I want to give you a gift that will change your life.

It's a little exercise that's as easy to do as it is not to do. But the difference between those who enjoy success and those who endure failure is found in substituting little exercises for big excuses.

There's a natural tendency for you to simply scan the 101 Instant Interview techniques and think one of the 10 things that follow:

  1. "It'll never work."

  2. "If it worked, everyone would do it."

  3. "I tried it and it didn't work."

  4. "It's not something I can do."

  5. "I'll embarrass myself if I try that."

  6. "I'm too (old, young, fat, skinny, pretty, ugly, important, unimportant, masculine, feminine, smart, dumb, professional, self-conscious, nervous, whatever) for that."

  7. "It's just too (simple, hard, complicated, silly, crazy, whatever) for me."

  8. "Everyone's doing it, so I don't stand a chance."

  9. "I'll try it later."

  10. "I'll just do it my way."

These cause jobseekers to become destroyed, not employed. They're the 10 most common causes of instant interview inertia. Someone calls our office for help, and my assistant announces, "There's an eight on the line." I already know he didn't do the exercises or he'd be calling me from his cell phone asking whether to accept the offer he just received.

There are an infinite number of excuses. They all work. You won't, though. If your subconscious is creative enough, it can spear you to the ground before you ever reach the jobjungle. Behavioral psychologists ...

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