Chapter 22. Breaking the Code in Business Periodicals

Let's see how to access these primo instant interview invitations!

A bewildering number of business newspapers, magazines, and journals exist throughout the country. The problem is that average jobseekers don't know how to get invites through them. So they shuffle to libraries, look at fine-print outdated directories, play with the public computers, and tell themselves they're actually working on working. No thanks.

Go straight to, see what publications fit your fancy, and find its web site.

Most have streaming (breaking) news or post recent features. Read the ads, too.

Write down who's doing what, where, and with whom. Google away with names, titles, places, events, new products, new services.

Then send short e-mails (no more than a few sentences) just mentioning the person or event, congratulating if appropriate, offering assistance, and attaching your Instant Availability Announcement (Do 12).

Reading the news this way will tell you more about what's going on than the classified and display ads will. In fact, as you do this for a while using newspapers, you'll find that the want ads follow the news.

Your time isn't infinite, it's instant. So moonlight move on these very live sources after hours. Let your moves work their magic.

Then check your e-mails after you've worked yours!

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