Creating a Page Master: <fo:simple-page-master>

As you can gather from its name, a page master is a template that is used to generate a page. A page master specifies the actual layout and geometry of a page. Each page master has a unique name, and you refer to it by that name when you want to use it.

In the current XSL specification, only one kind of page master is available, <fo:simple-page-master>, and I use that element to format pages here. You can use the following XSL-FO properties with the <fo:simple-page-master>object (see Appendix B for an explanation of these properties):

  • Common margin properties for blocks: margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right, space-before, space-after, start-indent, end-indent

  • master-name

  • page-height ...

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