
Writing a book can be a lonely process; therefore, I'm truly grateful for those who contributed their time, their insider knowledge, their resources, and their brilliance in helping me complete this book.

Early support is so critical in forming and crafting an idea, and for this I'd like to thank Robert F. Brands, author of an excellent book on innovation, Robert's Rules of Innovation (John Wiley & Sons, 2010), for his generous contributions and creative ideas; Dimple Tayal for his early research on U.S. companies making a difference in a reinvented world; and Ellen Francik for her user experience expertise.

My thanks go to Terri Griffith, professor at Santa Clara University and author of the upcoming book, The Plugged-in Manager (Jossey Bass, 2011), who generously provided her M.B.A. students—Prashanth Abbagani, Peter Beyer, Razzak Jallow, Arun Koshal, Jim Skinner, and Yi Xu—as early researchers for Innovation in a Reinvented World.

I also want to thank Debbi Mitchell and Steve Yamaguma of Design2Market Inc. for sharing their relationship connections, Lilia Paradis, Anna Martelli Ravenscroft, Kim Mahan, Lalli Varadh, Kristin Vadas Marsicano, and Radhika Padmanabhan, who, through their input on technical women in business, helped me craft a vision for leaders and professionals in a reinvented world.

Along the journey, practical support came from a variety of industry game changers, including Brian Quint, whose fast-track but thorough chapter reviews were always ...

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