
Note: Page numbers followed by “b” indicate boxes, “t” indicate tables, “f” indicate figures and “np” indicate footnotes.


Accelerated depreciation allowance 79
Acceptance of change 60–61
Achievement opinion 61–62
Administrative staff, and teachers relationship 129–131
Age population 
in China 102, 103t, 163, 163t
in India 102, 103t
in US 102, 103t
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply (AD-AS) model 302–303, 304
dynamic 303
Agrarian society, in China 202–203
Agricultural economy, in US 136, 136f
Airports Authority of India (AAI) 250–251
Airports, in India 250–251
Air quality, in China 168t, 170t
AK model of endogenous growth 296
Ancient Indian Period (4000 BC-185 BC), ...

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