Problem: How do I Run an "UNLOAD" Command from ESQL/C?

ESQL/C does not support the UNLOAD command. How can I duplicate this functionality in ESQL/C?

Answer: Use an ESQL/C Program to Unload Data

Write an ESQL/C program along the lines of this one:

strcpy (select_string, "SELECT field1, field2, ...FROM tablename WHERE ....")
$PREPARE my_statement from select_string;
$DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR for my_statement;

while ()
$FETCH my_cursor INTO variable1, variable2....;
if  ( sqlca.sqlcode != 0 )
$CLOSE my_cursor;
$FREE my_cursor;

frprintf (stdout, "%s|%s|%s....\n", variable1, variable2....);

Of course, you have to specify the select statement and declare and arrange the variables correctly, but this can allow you to achieve ...

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