Convert Table Numbers to Table Names

All of the tbstat outputs refer to tables by tb1num, which is a hex number. In true, user-friendly fashion, OnLine uses an integer number to identify the tables in the systables system table. To convert between the two, you need to use the following SQL conversion:

SELECT tabname, hex(partnum) FROM systables;

This will give you a list of table names and tblnums (as used in tbstat) for all of your tables. The OnLine manual recommends that you keep a hard copy of this list available to use for debugging.

A somewhat better approach is to create the following script, table in your $INFORMIXLOCALBIN directory:

 joe 67> cat table #!/bin/csh set search = $2 set SEARCH = 'echo $2 | tr "[a-f]" "[A-F]" ' $INFORMIXDIR/bin/isql ...

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