
Acquisition phase, of system development, 82–84

Advertising expenditure, 58

After-action evaluations, 160

Agile software development, 69–71

Assessment, 155


    definition of, 158

    work, 158–160


Balanced matrix organization, 37

Baldrige Award, 72

Benchmarking, 153

Bias, 5–6, 123

Brainstorming, 152

Budget, 156–158

Buffers, 123–127

    demonstration of, 125

    feeding, 124, 125, 126

    project, 124

    resource, 124, 127

    strategic resource, 124

Business case, 43, 82

Business re-engineering projects, 74


Capability Maturity Model, 65, 72–73

Capital replenishment, 58–59

CASE. See Computer aided software engineering (CASE)

Charter, 67

Checklist, 46, 48, 49–50

Checkpoint reviews, 102

Client involvement, 171


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