
Note: Page numbers followed by “b” and “f” refer to boxes and figures, respectively.


Ability to utilize data, 99
Abstact programming, in relational databases, 101b
ACID compliance, 102
Action plan, 31
Agile approaches, 170
Aging quality, 40
AllegroGraph RDFStore, 129
Allocation to workload, to architecture, 6
Analysis paralysis, 11
Analysts, 29–30
Analytics, 24–25, 24b–25b
approach, 26b
definition of, 21
and information architecture, 28–29
perspectives of, 22
platforms for, 53–54
predictive, See predictive analytics
requirement for analysts, 29–30
tied to business action, 21–22
Apps, 160
information, 28–29
for information success, 1–3
meaning of, 3–4
Assorted customer ranking, 23


B2B customers, 22
Backup NameNode failure, ...

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