Chapter 7

Instagram Influencers

In This Chapter

arrow Harnessing the power of Instagram

arrow Finding your target Instagrammers

arrow Telling stories with photos

arrow Creating contests and promotions

arrow Looking at what some star Instagrammers are doing right

Instagram is the number-one social photo platform. It launched in 2010 and scaled rapidly to one million users in just two months. As of July 2015, Instagram had 300 million active users sharing 30 billion photos, generating an average of 70 million photos per day. This visual platform is ideal for brand storytelling and showcasing your product or service through amazing imagery.

Instagram is a unique social platform because it can stand alone as a vehicle for visual storytelling. The influencer’s content can exist solely on the Instagram channel, and it doesn’t necessarily have to tie back to a blog or another social platform for additional context.

Instagram influencers are passionate about beautiful photography, sharing intimate vignettes of their lives, ...

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