Raw IPv6 Datagrams


Using the raw IPv6 message transfer mechanism, software associated with a CA can support standard protocols layered atop IPv6, such as TCP and UDP.

Raw IPv6 Datagram Format

Figure 21-2 on page 544 illustrates the format of a Raw IPv6 request packet (there are no response packets). The packet contains the following elements:

  • LRH:

    - LRH:DLID is used to guide the packet through the IBA subnet to a router ingress port.

    - LRH:SL defines the desired QoS for the packet's travel through this IBA subnet.

  • IPv6 Routing Header:

    - The IPv6 Routing Header contains the address of the final destination in its DGID address field.

    - TClass defines the desired QoS for the packet's travel from the source port to the final destination.

    - FlowLabel. ...

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