
Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), 322

Abrantes-Metz, 374

Ackerberg, D., 515, 537539, 540241, 540n21

Adams, W. J., 187

advertising, 516547 see also economic role of advertising

complements, coordination, and industry dynamics, 535537

information and, 516547


prestige and, 537541

price competition and, 531535

informative advertising and price competition, 546547

joint advertising and pricing decisions, 535

market power and, 519520

monopoly firm's profit-maximizing level of, 520522

practice and theory, 518519

affiliated values, 646647

aftermarket restrictions, 486

Agency theory, 451452

Aggarwal, R. K., 450

aggregate demand, 102

Aghion, P., 332

Ahimud, Y., 450, 450n10

Aiginger, 6061

Albrecht and Khan cases, 464

Albrecht v. The Herald Co., 461

Alchian, A. A., 65

Allen, R. G. D., 195n8

Allen-Myland v. IBM 33 F.3d 194 (3rd Cir.1994), 500

allocational concept, 30n9

Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), 415

American Economic Association, 96

American Tobacco Company v. United States, 328

U.S. 781 (1946), 10, 10n10

Anderson, S., 529

Andrade, G., 412

anticompetitive effects of vertical mergers, 432436

antitrust and industrial organization theory, 613

antitrust around the globe, 1314

Antitrust Law Index, 1314

Chicago School and beyond, 1013

focus in the beginning (Section 1 statute), 7

key antitrust statutes, excerpts from, 1518; Clayton Act, including key amendments of Robinson-Patman Act and Celler-Kefauver Act, 1618; The Sherman Act, 16

monopolization ...

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