Creating an instance of the Views service

To create an instance of the Views service, proceed as follows:

  1. Sign in to your GE Predix account and open GE's Predix catalog, using this link:
  2. Select the Views service.
  3. Select a plan and click Subscribe.
  4. Fill in the form and click Create Service.
  5. Bind the service instance to the previously deployed web app:
cf bind-service ui predix-views-service-instance
  1. To get the endpoint URL of the Views service, run this command:
cf env ui

The command will return the following response in JSON:

{ "VCAP_SERVICES": {  "predix-views": [   {    "credentials": {     "instanceId": "b3e07566-273f-4d1e-85ce-a5d4b2632a27",     "uri": ""... ...

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