Getting the list of devices

We use the verb devices to get the list of IIoT devices and hence the endpoint should be /iiot/devices and the response should be as in the following example. It should use the HTTP GET method to get the list of devices, as can be seen in the following example:

HTTP GET--> /iiot/devices

The HTTP response is given as follows:

{    "IIoTEcoSystem": "gets a list of IIoT Devices",    "Version": "1.0",    "CompanyName": "IIoTPlatform",    "Devices": [    {        "deviceId": "10",        "name": "device-pump",        "assetType": "pump",        "active": "yes"    },    {        "deviceId": "11",        "name": "device-liquifier",        "assetType": "liquifier",        "active": "yes"    }  ]} 

Attributes should be self-descriptive for ease of use and, in this example, we are using the JSON outputs. ...

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