Running a simulator application on an RPi

To run a simulator on an RPi, proceed as the following steps suggest:

  1. Insert an SD card into the RPi.
  2. Connect an Ethernet cable and open an SSH connection.
  3. Navigate to /home/pi/sensor.
  1. Build an image and run a Docker container:
# Build an image from a Dockerfiledocker build -t opcua-sensor .## Run container in foregrounddocker run -p 4334:4334 --privileged -it --rm --name opcua-sensor-container opcua-sensor## Run container in background# docker run -p 4334:4334 --privileged -d  --rm --name opcua-sensor-container opcua-sensor## Fetch the logs of a container# docker logs -f opcua-sensor-container## Stop running container# docker stop opcua-sensor-container
Console output when a simulator app is ...

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