Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicates figures and t indicates tables.


Ability broker agents 159
ActiveMQ 387
Activity model 326–327, 331f
Adaptive immune system 367
Adaptive Production Management (ARUM) project 76
Adaptive scheduling 
demand-resource networks 209
formalized problem statement 210–211, 210f
methods 211–213
and tools 208
multi-agent platform for 215–216
multi-agent solution for 213–215, 213t, 227
multi-agent technology for 208–209
resource scheduling problem 207–208
Advantys STB NIP2311 83f
Agendized mechatronical units (AMUs) 183
Agent-based communication 
IEC 61131-3 interface for 94–95, 95f
IEC 61499 interface for 

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