his book is about influence, how you can develop it, and how
you can use it to affect the behavior or thinking of people
with whom you work. The ability to influence others is an
important ingredient of success for people at every level in an or-
ganization, including nonmanagers. Even those who have formal
organizational power benefit from understanding and using influ-
ence at work. Every newly minted manager quickly discovers that
formal power is overrated as a tool for getting things done. Manag-
ers’ authority is constrained by dependence on others and by the
necessities of ‘‘participative’’ management. It’s getting harder and
harder to order subordinates around! And the cooperation of peers
and other groups cannot be gained through compulsion.
People who know how to influence enjoy many benefits. They
? Lead and manage more effectively
? Frame important issues their way
? Win support for their ideas and projects
? Contribute more fully to important decisions
American Management Association
vi Preface
? Resolve conflicts more easily
? Advance their careers
More important, they have a greater measure of control over their
lives at work. Instead of being passive participants and simply
doing what they’re told, they have a greater say in how the scripts
of their working lives are written. And that is worth a lot in terms
of work-life satisfaction.
Whether you’re a supervisor, a manager, or an individual con-
tributor, you can increase your influence at work. And this book
will show you how. The first chapter explains the concept of influ-
ence and how it differs from those other tools for getting things
done: power and persuasion. The next two chapters present a con-
ceptual framework with two main elements: (1) the foundation
attributes of influence (trustworthiness, reliability, and assertive-
ness), and (2) six practical tactics for influencing others. Because
influence is based on trust, the foundation attributes are things you
must exhibit if you aim to alter the thinking and behavior of others
at work. Once you have those attributes, you can select and apply
the tactics most appropriate for your situation.
In Chapters 4 and 5 you’ll discover where the rubber meets the
road. These chapters offer practical tips for influencing the three
most important sets of people in life at work: your subordinates;
your peers; and numero uno, your boss.
Finally, there’s the issue of ethics. Influence has a potential dark
side. It can be—and has been—used for the wrong purposes: to
deceive, to manipulate, and to further selfish ends at the expense
of the general good. Our final chapter examines these ethical issues
in terms of the influencer’s ends and means.
That’s it in a nutshell. So read on and learn how you can be-
come more influential at work.
American Management Association

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