
This book should come with a warning label: Reading this book may cause a Ron Baker Headache.

Now, before you put the book down, let me explain: I’m not talking about a headache in a bad, migraine-y kind of way. Think of it more like what you get when you have an ice cream on a hot day, or drink a milkshake too fast. When you read Ron Baker, and even more so when you talk with him about value pricing, you get a feeling that your head is going to explode because you suddenly have too many thoughts and ideas in it. In other words, it’s a good kind of headache. A Ron Baker Headache.

I run a Boston law firm called Shepherd Law Group (, which helps companies make easier workplaces. When employers get into situations where they need a lawyer, they often feel like they’re losing control. My job as a lawyer is to help them get some of that control back. But the problem is that most of the time, dealing with lawyers makes the employers feel like they’re losing even more control. This is because lawyers never tell them how much it’s all going to cost, so the employers don’t know what they’re getting into.

The main cause of this problem is, of course, hourly billing. So when I founded my firm a dozen years ago, I started looking into how I could kill the billable hour and get rid of timesheets. I read everything I could find on the topic, which was of little use. There was no one I could consult to learn how to fix prices in an employment-litigation law firm. ...

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