
This charting option gives you the chance to set a chart's line width in pixels (px). There are no special instructions for the use of this new option. You simply include it as part of your chart definition:

<option name-"charting.linewidth">2px</option> 

In the given XML, we've added the linewidth option to the XML that was used to show an Event Annotation in Chapter 2Understanding Search:

<dashboard> <label>Errors with Process Issues Annoted</label> <row> <panel> <chart> <search> <!-- Secondary search that drives the annotations --> <query>sourcetype="tm1*" error | timechart count</query> <earliest>-30week</earliest> <latest>-1weeks</latest> <sampleRatio>1</sampleRatio> </search> <search type="annotation"> <query>sourcetype="tm1*" ...

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