Step 6 – code the interaction with the database

After completing the schemas the database logic can be incorporated to interact with MongoDB:

  1. Open the file cataloguedb.js in the data folder. Import the Artist, Album, and Song schemas:
      var Artist = require("../model/artist.js");      var Album = require("../model/album.js");      var Song = require("../model/song.js");
  1. Next, the getArtist function is coded and exported to be used by the Controller logic. The code is shown in the following code block:
      module.exports.getArtist = function (request, response) {        var query = Artist.find({"artist_id" : request},          {'_id' : 0}).populate({              "path": "albums",              "model": "Album",              "populate": {                path: 'songs',                model: "Song"              }          }) query.exec(function (err, artist) ...

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