
Journal Articles

[biblio01div06entry01] These are articles from in-print magazines, some of which are also available online via the given URLs.

[biblio01div06entry02] [Alli1993] Chuck Allison, Bit Handling in C++, Part 1, C/C++ Users Journal, Volume 11 Number 12, December 1993;

[biblio01div06entry03] [Alli1994] Chuck Allison, Bit Handling in C++, Part 2, C/C++ Users Journal, Volume 12 Number 5, May 1994;

[biblio01div06entry04] [Brig2002] Walter Bright, The D Programming Language, Dr Dobb's Journal, #332, February 2002;

[biblio01div06entry05] [Meye2001b] Randy Meyers, The New C: Why Variable Length Arrays?, C/C++ Users ...

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