Chapter 21A Few Final Words on ROE2Before You Start Igniting Your Customer Connections

One of the great things about writing Igniting Customer Connections was watching the concept of Return on Experience × Engagement (ROE2) come into sharper and sharper focus. With every meeting where our team discussed and defined ROE2, every research project we completed, each conversation with a marketing executive—the underlying rightness and power of ROE2 became more and more apparent.

From years of working with clients, I knew the importance of experience and engagement. I knew that many brands were not giving these areas the attention they deserved. And I knew that investing in these areas delivered real returns in terms of building brand and business equity. But here at the end of this book, I know, with data to back it up, that Return on Experience × Engagement—ROE2—is real. And you do, too. It gives you a powerful tool to determine where to invest your marketing spend. And it's a more accurate measurement of marketing results than traditional return on investment (ROI). More importantly, ROE2 gives you a new way to create, nurture, and ignite your customer connections.

The most exciting part of this book happens after it's over, when you take the insights and advice and make them part of your work. I appreciate the opportunity to pass along these concepts—and I look forward to hearing about the impressive and exciting results you're able to achieve with them.

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