Chapter 6Strategies for TransformationClear, Achievable Next Steps Help You Start Igniting Customer Connections Now

We've shown that marketing is in a period of unprecedented change. We've described how connecting with customers requires taking a new approach to all aspects of marketing, from building customer value to measuring results by understanding engagement and experience. The reality? Implementing these approaches can be incredibly simple or very complex, depending on how you go about it. So how can you turn what you've learned into actionable, day-to-day strategies and results? Here we conclude Part One with four key strategies that you can use to start igniting new connections with your customers—no matter how small or large your organization and no matter what industry you're in.

  1. Rethink measurement.
  2. Organize around the customer, not products or channels.
  3. Establish a consistent marketing process.
  4. Use technology to enable, not distract.

Rethink Measurement

I've described how the old approaches to measurement are no longer sufficient, and how the approach we call Return on Experience × Engagement (ROE2) is a more useful way of evaluating marketing efforts. So rethinking measurement is a good place to start when describing go-forward strategies you can start implementing quickly. Focusing on outcomes means beginning with the end in mind, always a challenge for marketers, who can get consumed and distracted by creation and implementation.

To revisit the past briefly, ...

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