A book is very rarely a solo effort and this is no exception.

I would firstly like to thank my friend of over 30 years Gail Holstock, who undertook the vast majority of the research for Ignite. Her research and suggestions gave weight to my thoughts and concepts and was the catalyst for many inclusions in this book.

A huge thanks to graphic designer extraordinaire Jodie Brennan, who takes my scrappy drawings of models and designs them so they look cool and sleek.

The book was brought up a notch or three by Jo Stewart, who undertook the initial editing process. Her work has helped turn this book into something I am very proud of and I thank her for her tough love.

I would also like to thank Lucy Raymond from Wiley for her ongoing support for my writing and initial guidance when the book was still in its conceptual stage. Thanks also to Ingrid, Alice, Pete and the rest of the Wiley team who provided valuable insights throughout the process.

Thanks to Wiley's editor, Charlotte Duff. Charlotte enhanced the book even further and made the editing process a joy.

A very special thanks goes to Matt Church and Peter Cook of Thought Leaders Global. Both helped with the concept of the book and provided valuable input along the way. They continue to support, challenge and inspire me. They are legends and I am proud to be a Thought Leader Partner alongside them. Thanks for letting me play.

A massive thanks to Michelle Sales who encouraged me to go to Harvard with her for ...

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