
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refers to figures.


Access, 51–52, 77–79, 83f
decision-making, 599–600
enforcement, 78
life-cycle phases, 52, 52
management event, 180
provision and deprovision, 77–78
reconcile, 78–79
remediation, 457
report and audit, 79
request and approve, 77
reviews, case study of, 135
first meetings, 135–136
questions, 137
team regrouping, 136–137
Access control models
discretionary access control, 484–485
history of, 483–488
mandatory access control, 483–484
-related information, 221
role-based access control, 485–488
Access governance, 606–607
Access managementSee also Entitlements
case study of, 203
defined, 48
Access review and certification, 78
benefits and objectives, 437–438
collecting and managing data, ...

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