J2EE Packaging

In this section, we will look at the EAR file. As previously stated, an EAR file is a module that is made up of J2EE modules, utility JAR files, and a set of deployment descriptors that describe the modules. Deployment descriptors are XML files stored in the package that contains a description of the package and its components. For an EAR file, the J2EE specification mandates the existence of a deployment descriptor called application.xml.

EAR File

An EAR file is made up of multiple J2EE modules. An EAR file can contain four distinct archives:[1]

[1] J2EE also defines the notion of a RAR file for the Java Connector Architecture (J2C). Chapter 8 will cover J2C.

  • WAR file— A J2EE module that contains web components of an application. ...

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