Removing the administrative agent

To remove the administrative agent, we will need to unregister each application server from the administrative agent and then delete the unwanted profiles. Our goal is to be left with the single application server we started with at the beginning of this chapter.

The command we are going to use is the command:

Usage: deregisterNode -profilePath <path of profile to be deregistered> [-host
          <adminagent host>] [-connType <SOAP | RMI | JSR160RMI | IPC>] [-port
          <adminagent JMX port>] [-username <adminagent user name>] [-password
          <adminagent password>] [-nodeusername <registered node user name>]
          [-nodepassword <registered node password>] [-profileName <adminagent
 profile name>] [-trace] [-help] ...

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