20.3. Working with the CredentialVaultService

To work with credentials, the first step is to acquire a reference to the CredentialVaultService. This section explains how to acquire a reference to a CredentialVaultService and its most important methods.

There are in fact two CredentialVaultService classes. One for each portlet API. In IBM Portlet API you will use the com.ibm.wps.portletservice.credentialvault.CredentialVaultService, whereas in JSR 168 you will use the com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.credentialvault.CredentialVaultService.

20.3.1. Acquiring a reference to the CredentialVaultService

There is a slight difference in the way you retrieve a reference to the CredentialVaultService. In JSR 168, you must use a JNDI lookup to access the ...

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