3958 DD1   This is the original server, which has been available since August 2008. This server is based on the IBM System x3850 M2 Type 7141. When it i used as a server in the TS7650G, its machine type and model are 3958 DD1. Use this machine type and model for service purposes.
3958 DD3   This is a higher performance server, which has been available since March 2009. This server is based on the IBM System x3850 M2 Type 7233. When used as a server in the TS7650G, its machine type and model are 3958 DD3. Use this machine type and model for service purposes.
3958 DD4   This is a newer, higher performance server, which has been available since December 2010. This server is based on the IBM System x3850 X5 Type 7145-AC1. When ...

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