Drilling from an Excel Slice

As specified in the TM1 Users Guide:

The Slice option, available from the Cube Viewer and In-Spreadsheet Browser, lets you save a cube view as a standard worksheet. When you create a slice, TM1 generates a worksheet populated with functions. These functions display the current database values in the worksheet.

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, it is possible to drill-through to related data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet (rather than the TM1 Cube Viewer).

We can follow these steps to slice the current cube view into a worksheet:

  1. Open (or create a new) view in the Cognos TM1 Cube Viewer.
  2. From the Cube Viewer, click on File.
  3. Click on Slice. Then, TM1 slices the view into a new Excel worksheet.

At this point you should ...

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