

Active Report Variables dialog box, 227-228

active reports, 201, 220

bar charts, formatting, 240-242

charts, inserting, 230-232

controls, inserting, 221-225

combination charts, formatting, 243-247

data, inserting, 204-206

HTML code, replacing, 202-206

link controls, 224-230

pie charts, formatting, 242-244

tab controls, setting up, 203-204


Background Effects dialog box, 255-256

bar charts, formatting, 240-242

Baselines dialog box, 240

block objects, setting up, 177-185

Block Variable dialog box, 16-19

Border dialog box, 178-179

box plot charts, creating, 263-265

branch queries, expected volumes, setting up, 71-74

briefing books

creating, 127-140

page lists, 130-133

query lists, 131-132

table of contents

building entries, 136-137

complete ...

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