28.5 Computer Simulations Using NIST-Gas Data

In order to demonstrate the utility of KFSSE in spectral estimation, identification, and quantification, the spectral signature vectors in the data set Δ to be used for experiments were those in Figure 1.10 available at the National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST)'s website http://www.nist.gov/srd/nist35.htm. It contains nine agent signatures img, eight of them, img are composed of 880 bands, and only one of them, s1, consists of 825 bands.

As mentioned previously, since KFSCSP technique developed in this chapter is signature a vector-based and not an image-based technique, KFSSE, KFSSI, and KFSSQ are not designed for classification. Therefore, their performance will be evaluated by signature vector-based spectral measures such as SAM and SID rather than image classifiers.

28.5.1 KFSSE

To implement KFSSE, the system gain cl in (28.5) was set to be 1 for all img, the standard deviation of the state noise v, σv, was empirically set to 103 and the standard deviation of the measurement noise u, σu, was chosen to make SNR = 30 dB, where the SNR was defined before. It should be noted that throughout our extensive experiments, the results demonstrated ...

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