6.4 Dimensionality Reduction by Infinite-Order Statistics-Based Components Analysis Transforms

In Section 6.3, transforms using the kth order of statistics with any img as an optimal criterion were presented. When the k becomes infinite, that is, statistics of infinite order, the approaches using (6.44), (6.47), and (6.52) in Section 6.3 are no longer applicable for img. To address this issue, two approaches have been investigated. One is Projection Pursuit (PP) discussed in Chapter 16 in Chang (2003a) that uses a projection index as a criterion to find an optimal projection vector. When a projection index is specified by a criterion of the kth order of statistics for img, the PP is then reduced to transforms in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, particularly, PCA for k = 2, skewness for k = 3, and kurtosis for k = 6. The other is independent component analysis (ICA) that uses mutual information to de-correlate statistical dependency. Since a probability distribution can be fully described by its moment-generating function with infinite number of moments, theoretically ICA can be viewed as a transform using an infinite-order logical extension of any kth high-order component transforms and will be considered ...

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