Navigating from overlay components

Recently, I faced a problem while navigating from a popover to a page. Every time I click on the link inside popover and directly push the next component, it freezes the application. We will be implementing the popover component and inside that we will traverse to SettingsPage and SupportPage:

// src/pages/popover/popover.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ViewController, NavController, App, ModalController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { SupportPage } from '../support/support'; import { SettingsPage } from '../settings/settings'; @Component({   template: &grave;     <ion-list>       <button ion-item   (click)="goToPage('SettingsPage')">Settings</button>       <button ion-item  (click)="goToPage('SupportPage')">Support</button> ...

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