CHAPTER 15 Lead from where you are

‘There go my people, and I must follow them, for I am their leader.'


James lamented the fact that he was not a ‘leader' and so felt unable to influence the direction of the firm or engage with clients in the way he wanted. Like many others he looked forward to the day when he would ‘become' a leader by promotion to a role with a ‘leadership' title.

He was making the mistake of equating leadership with a role or a title. This view implies that titles such as President or Chief Executive contain within them a subtext that says to the world, ‘Made it. I am a leader'. Sometimes people who have the title fall short of what a leader can or should be.

A change of title on your profile or business card does not transform you from a follower into a leader. You don't finish work on Friday as a follower and arrive at work on Monday as a leader merely because your title changed or last week's peers are now your direct reports.

If you were a follower on Friday, you will still be a follower on Monday, because you are thinking like a follower, because you see yourself as a follower. You are yet to grasp that leadership flows from who you are to those around you, wherever you are, regardless of your title. However, if you see yourself as a leader now, you almost certainly will consider yourself a leader tomorrow, and act accordingly.

I pointed out to James the many ways in which he was being a leader. People looked to him for insight and advice. ...

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