
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


8-bit identity encoding, 8-bit
100 Continue status code, Clients and 100 Continue, Servers and 100 Continue
100-199 status codes, 100-199: Informational Status CodesProxies and 100 Continue, Status Codes
200-299 status codes, 200-299: Success Status Codes, Status Codes
300-399 status codes, 300-399: Redirection Status Codes, Status Codes
400-499 status codes, 400-499: Client Error Status Codes400-499: Client Error Status Codes, Status Codes
500-599 status codes, 500-599: Server Error Status Codes, Status Codes
2MSL (maximum segment lifetime), TIME_WAIT Accumulation and Port Exhaustion
: (colon), use in headers, Message Syntax
= (equals sign), base-64 encoding, Base-64 Padding
/~ (slash-tilde), User home directory docroots

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