Time for action – editing a task in the list

So far we have a tasklist that we can add tasks to, remove tasks from, and change the order of the tasks. Let's add some functionality to allow the user to change the name of a task. When the user clicks on a task name we will change it to a text input field. To do that we need to add a text input field to our task element template right after the task name:

<li class="task">
    <div class="tools">
        <button class="delete" title="Delete">X</button>
        <button class="move-up" title="Up">^</button>
        <button class="move-down" title="Down">v</button>
    <span class="task-name"></span>
    <input type="text" class="task-name hidden"/>

We give it a class of task-name to identify it, and also add the hidden class ...

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