The Cache Manifest

An offline web application revolves around a cache manifest file. As I’ve already mentioned, the manifest file is a list of all of the resources that your web application might need to access while it’s disconnected from the network. In order to bootstrap the process of downloading and caching these resources, you need to point to the manifest file, using the manifest attribute on your <html> element:

<html manifest="/cache.manifest">

Your cache manifest file can be located anywhere on your web server, but it must be served with the content type text/cache-manifest. If you are running an Apache-based web server, you can probably just put an AddType directive in the .htaccess file at the root of your web directory:

AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest

Then make sure that the name of your cache manifest file ends with .manifest. If you use a different web server or a different configuration of Apache, consult your server’s documentation on controlling the Content-Type header.

OK, so every one of your HTML pages points to your cache manifest file, and your cache manifest file is being served with the proper Content-Type header. But what goes in the manifest ...

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